Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Where oh where has my little dog gone...

Wow! I can't believe I haven't blogged for almost a month. I guess my life really has been crazy. My puppy girl, Diva went to the vet a few weeks ago and I was shocked to be confronted with the reality that my baby girl has grown up - she is now 80 pounds! Holy cow, now I know why I have no time or money. We have settled into our summer routine which means shorter walks due to the heat and mom usually sleeping in some so we start later.

Avalanche continues to show improvement and a couple of weeks ago, he heard some dogs playing around the corner and he tried to run, scoot, and hobble to get to them. You got to love that guy who always tries to keep up and loves the other dogs. I have taken them to the dog park in Laguna Niguel a couple of times recently and overall they have done pretty good. Avalanche loves the place, but after his injury I avoided it since the one time I took him in his wheelchair - he was not very at ease. Now, he is strong enough to walk around on his own and then he parks himself in a strategic location (by the water dishes) to visit with everyone who comes his way. Diva sometimes needs reminding that she is NOT is charge of the whole place and by simply showing her my pearl whites and licking her on the nose she can settle down and enjoy the day. She likes to chase runners, but doesn't want them to chase her. Go figure - she's a girl!