Thursday, June 7, 2007

Home Repair Causes Doggie Disruption

A couple of weeks ago we had the unfortunately experience of having a slab leak in our home. Well, what an experience this has been for our family. At first the cats thought this was very cool, when all of the furniture and items were removed from the room, lots of great stuff to explore and smell. But then, the HazMat team kept coming back and establishing "containment" zones within the house. The icing on the cake was after they had to move out the built in ovens and built in refrigerator which made the normal paths of ingress and egress impossible. The cats were blocked off from their normal eating location and where their litter box is kept. The dogs could not get to their backyard, garage, etc. without a roundabout path that they found extremely confusing. Well, one day of messing with the dogs lives and my dobies started vomiting and have loose stools. By day three, I had just about had it and the containment zone was removed and the loud de-humidifiers were shut off and removed.

The disaster is not yet over but the external stress has been lessened. Dogs and cats are such creatures of habit that this type of problem cannot be explained to them and becomes extremely stressful. Trying to keep two cats and three large dogs out of the way of plumbers, drywalls, general contractors, etc. is practically a full time job. My husband had the right idea and went on a business trip! Oh, well this adventure will keep on growing and we are learning patience (at least the humans in the house).

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