Monday, March 29, 2010

My Avalanche Is Losing His Rear End Again...

I started this blog years ago to talk about my then 3 1/2 year old Siberian Husky who suffered a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed from T12 on back. He made such an amazing recovery - he worked so hard during that first year that he got his rear legs back to some extent. Then suddenly a couple of weeks ago, they seem to have left him again after over 3 good years. He will turn 8 next month and I am afraid he won't have a chance to come back again...

If his eyes were not so bright and his mood so positive you would just think he was getting old - but one look at him and he doesn't seem to be nearly as old as he is feeling these days. He is taking his morning walks back in his wheelchair. He has not been in it for close to 3 1/2 years and the first time I picked up his rear legs to slide them in, he knew exactly what to do. He remembered better than I how the whole thing works. He almost seemed relieved that he wouldn't have to count on his own rear legs.

What a guy! He is on a bunch of different vitamins and nutritional supplements - hopefully something will help kick in and keep his legs strong. I am always amazed at how quickly health patterns can change with my dogs. I guess it is the accelerated life spans they live.

Such a sweety!

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